In house educational wellness workshops are offered by a means of developing team chemistry and improving lifestyles.

We provided the opportunity to introduce such topics as:


Back Health in the Office Community

Back pain is among one the top work related disabilities in North America - a lot of which can be prevented. This seminar is designed to; education, inform, and interact within the group dynamics to show how to prevent common back issues seen within the corporate world. This seminar is interactive in nature so trade your high heels and dress shoes for sneakers! All topics that are covered will be demonstrated and practiced with the group.

Ergonomic Assessments for Optimal Desk Posture and Desk Arrangement

Benefits of these seminars have shown to: improved posture, decreased strain on necks and wrists, as well as a provide more comfortable working station for optimal focus. These assessments are based off individual body frames and body types.

Optimizing your Sleep, Optimize your Energy

Most people have trouble either: falling asleep, or staying asleep. There are multiple ways to deal with these issues that will be discussed in this workshop. The goal of this seminar is to empower all employees in attendance with proven strategies to help them to feel refreshed and energized for the workday ahead.


5 Ways to Decrease Stress Associated Within the Workplace

No matter the occupation, there is always stress associated with time constraints and deadlines. The way that employees deal with this stress can be a big factor in the overall success and longevity within the chosen career.

During this seminar we focus on strategic ways for employees to manage this stress with healthy outlets.

Ways to Improve Energy at the Office with Nutritional Adjustments

Most people automatically go to the coffee machine (sometimes even multiple times a day) to get that non-organic energy boost through caffeine.

During this specific workshop, we introduce ways for individuals to add natural energy giving foods so that sustainable energy can be maintained throughout the day. If available, we encourage a positive relationship with the in house cafeteria so that there are options for employees to stay in house and receive optimal nutrition during the day.

As a byproduct of helping employees have a healthier relationship with food, it has been shown to improve; sustained energy levels and focus.


Self Defence Workshop

Exchange your dress shoes and heels for some runners and enjoy this; interactive, entertaining, and potentially life saving seminar thats sure to be a light hearted way to blow off some steam.

During this workshop, our professionally taught martial arts coaches will take employees through tactics to defend themselves in case of emergency situations arise.

There's special attention on topics directly related to the corporate world, such as "Feeling safe walking to your car after a late night at work" and "How to defend yourself with items commonly stored in your pocket".

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1st Aid + CPR Employee Certifications

“All employees covered by WSIB are required to have first aid equipment, facilities, and trained workers in all workplaces.” -WSIB

We have trained members on staff to ensure that all businesses are up to date with adequate certifications required by law for their employees. Based upon staff size, businesses are required to have a certain number of staff up to date on their first aid and CPR-C certification in case of an emergency.

First Aid kits are also required by law to have certain requirements which we can install and educate Human Resources on proper protocol. Whether you’re a brand new business or looking to recertify, our trained professionals are comfortable: informing, educating, and certifying businesses for their own safety.


Custom Seminars Based upon Company Needs

When interested in improving the employee health culture, Innovative Corporate Wellness will observe and strategize on ways to present individualistic topics for the given needs of the; size, office culture and given nature of the work