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Our Certified Personal Trainers are eager to work with employees for either; 1 on 1, partner, or small group training.

When employees are given the undivided attention with one of our coaches, it allows us to focus on individualistic needs, goals, and limitations.

Our belief system within the training world is based upon a “regression to progression” methodology. Meaning, we train our clients to master basic movement patterns so that; coordination, body mechanics, stability, body awareness, balance, and a sound foundational base are built upon before further progressions. We pride ourselves on our insight into the corporate world. This niche population requires special attention to muscle groups that can be irritated associated with long hours of sitting. Our trainers ensure to incorporate; pain reducing, strength building, functional and cognitively stimulating exercises to each training session.

Our training focuses on a cohesive; mind, body, and soul to improve productivity at the desk and in life.